Saturday, June 5, 2010

~sick=worst fortnight~

i just decided to rant bout my worst 2 weeks *more or less* here...
as i said i need space....i even choose gloomy colour!
sick as in your body not functioning well and your mind are blank and your face getting swell up and pale and you had some mental depression and not being in your normal mode as always!
that's my definition bytheway
and hell YEAH im being SICK for these past week till now!

the chronology......

flu--->fever--->migrain--->cough--->fever gone but sore throat attack--->flu again--->full body-ache--->bleeding phlegm--->fever for a few hours--->still sore throat--->cough again!

im a person who is rarely getting sick=good immune
even if i get acute illness it will only last for a few days...but what happen to me now is something UNBEARABLE to me *freaking hate it*...
but as a good 'human' girl i should be grateful to it(mama said ita ALLAH test)
actually i dun really mind being sick coz i and flu is always together since i had sinusitis
but i DO mind if im being sick without any reason or in other word i dunno what makes me sick and what the illness is about...everything comes to sudden and not related.
with the weather not helping, its freaking 30 degrees at night in malaysia now~
even im sweating*coughing too* while writing this!

+the end+

++im currently grooving with:ss501-love ya++

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