Sunday, December 26, 2010


last 2 weeks was very bad to me.
so many things happen.
can even swallow it properly even today.
anyhow,i able to grasp it bit by bit now....Alhamdulillah.
i guess im alright now!
for those concerning,i can never pay your gratitude
may ALLAH bless you

++im currently grooving with:beast(yoseob and junhyung)-thanks to++

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


i just dont know what im thinking off right now
either think or feel
everything is indifferent!
one thing obvious....
afraid...i am so afraid!
everything happen so fast
in the blink of an eyes
yet cause so much suffering...
just then time feels so slow
how i wish that time chasing me not me
i just want that for now~

i thought she is strong,no she is not
i thought she is well,no she is not
i thought she is happy,no she is not
i thought she is in joy,no she's suffering
i thought she dont mind,no she do mind
i thought im weak,no im strong because of her
i thought im not well,no im well enough because of her
i thought im not happy,no im happy because of her
i thought im suffering,no im in joy because of her
i thought im nobody,im a person because of her
i thought i've done everything.....never!

i just can hold anymore
i am so afraid

mama,please dont do this to me!

++im currently grooving with:dalmatian-officially missing you remix++

Monday, December 6, 2010

~maal hijrah~


'alhamdulillah,syukur ke hadrat ilahi kerana masih membenarkan aku mengambil nafas milik-NYA dan hidup di atas hak-NYA!'

lepas maghrib tadi,alhamdulillah tahun hijrah baru telah bermula so saye kt sini nak mengucapkan selamat maal hijrah kepada semua umat muslim di seluruh dnia khususnya kepada family saye yg jauh d mata dkat d hati, kawan-kawan saye dan juga y terlintas membaca ucapan saye ne. insyallah moga-moga tahun baru ini memberi peluang kepada kite untuk menambahkan lagi pengabdian kite kepada ALLAH. penuhilah hari ini dengan zikrullah dan selawat ke atas junjungan mulia nabi Muhammad s.a.w.

Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.

Semoga Allah senantiasa melimpahkan rahmat dan keselamatan kepada junjungan kami Nabi Muhammad SAW, beserta keluarga dan sahabatnya.

Ya Allah Engkaulah Yang Abadi, Dahulu, lagi Awal. Dan hanya kepada anugerah-Mu yang Agung dan Kedermawanan-Mu tempat bergantung.

Dan ini tahun baru benar-benar telah datang. Kami memohon kepada-Mu perlindungan dalam tahun ini dari (godaan) setan, kekasih-kekasihnya dan bala tentaranya. Dan kami memohon pertolongan untuk mengalahkan hawa nafsu amarah yang mengajak pada kejahatan,agar kami sibuk melakukan amal yang dapat mendekatkan diri kami kepada-Mu wahai Dzat yang memiliki Keagungan dan Kemuliaan. Semoga Allah senantiasa melimpahkan rahmat dan keselamatan kepada junjungan kami Nabi Muhammad SAW, Nabi yang ummi dan ke atas para keluarga dan sahabatnya.

++im currently grooving with:al-ajiba-maal hijrah++

~cik masha tangkap sye~


aigoo,igtkn terlepas rupenye x jugak.
tadi ngah blogwalking kt sume blog yg sye ikot termasuk la cik masha ne.
bajet cam syok giler bace info sal sume kucing-kucing comel itu sampai la ke satu post sal '25 facts bout masha you should know'(tittle da dimodified oleh sye utk kesenangan memahami)
bace punye bace...alamak cik masha ne tag kite pulak!!
so to make it short...

"once you've been tagged you're supposed to write a note with 25 random things, fact or goal about you. at the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. you have to tag the person who tagged you. If i tagged you, its because I want to know about you."
(copy paste dari blog masha)

1. im a girl born in 1990 as a muslim.
2. currently still studying medic at moscow,russia.
3. people around me call me qiela but my family call me angah or miera.
4. sangat2 suke dengan bende-bende yg sedap dan comel macam kek,coklat,gule-gule dan adik-beradiknye.
5. walaupun sekarang ne winter, saye x kesah telan ais krim walaupun gigi dan mulut saye kebas.
6. saye ne x pernah ade boyfriend dan x pernah jatuh cinta, crush banyak giler.
7. peminat setia
SUPER JUNIOR terutamanye leader die LEETEUK.
8. nak sangat boyfriend macam cn blue jonghyun n laki macam leeteuk.
9. dalam mp3 saye penuh ngan lagu korea j.
10. saye x suke tengok movie kt wayang,mkn popcorn wayang saye suke giler!
11. kawan baik dalam hidup saye kakak saye ngan adik saye,the best.
12. skunk-eternity,full with bundles of joys and fun!
13. sekarang ne tgh crush ngan mamat hot dalam metro jmpe minggu lepas,hehe agak2 boleh jmpe blik x?
14. kalau boleh waktu harijadi saye, saye nak hadiah baju ngan kasut banyak2. takde kek pown x pe!
15. suke giler pakai high heels, lg rse nk trjatuh kalu pakai flat.
16.cermin adalah benda vital dalam hidup sye.
17. ske giler pakai cantik2.kalau boleh buang sampah dpn rumah pun kene lawa.
18. suke memenuhi almari baju walaupun pintu die da x ley tutup rapat.
19. kalau boleh setiap hari nak g shopping.
20. giler diet, kalu org kte sye gemok mlm 2 jugak sye sit up giler2
21. suke mkn sayur x suke sgt mkn nasi.
22. suke study last minute sbb drama korea punye pasal.
23. sangat suke puji diri sendiri
24. sangat x pernah merendahkan diri sendiri.
25. ...................................byk lg nk cter bkn 25 facts j tp secrets makes a woman woman. so x ley r gtaw byk2!!

i hope cik masha and sume yg bace puas hati ngan facts ne, thank you so much for having your time wasted to know me better. insyallah, may ALLAH bless you!

hmm, my turn to catch people. im gonna tag blogger which i follow coz i really wish to know you better.xoxo love you ^^v

+cik fatin liyana+
+cik hur+
+cik shea+
+cik yanny+
+cik jesmine+
+cik norfy+
+cik kuzhaimah+
+cik anah+

++im currently grooving with:sistar-over++

Sunday, December 5, 2010

~food ver.6~


since its been a while
so i'll be posting more than one food i made
so its a pleasure to your eyes.
have fun!!

++pasta carbonara(own recipe)++

++modified instant mihun tomyam++

++puding roti++

++fried cabbage with tauhu++

++vegetable beef soup++

all this are made on different days.
so dont assume i chunk all of it on one day.
i still love my slim belly so i wont be a monster.
and please dont wish to be one!!

++im currently grooving with:t-ara-why are you being like this++




its december now and its already WINTER.
its really freezing cold.
i will never wish to experience this if i ever had a chance to go back in time.
tsk,tsk...too bad of me to regret over things that i 'kneeing' wish.
^.^ anyway im still grateful that im able to go through this with the courages and braves! i sounds so pitiful?
well,for me this wonter is really cruel.
i just thought that dying because of cold is possible for me.
anyhow ALLAH wont make this season happen if human cant endure it.
its just the first time for me,i know!

i still remember the first of winter,1/12/2010
the temperature was -25 and its windchill is -36
to be able to go through the day for class
is such an astonishing success to me.
i hope my first time winter experience is not too cruel for me.
ALLAH,please have mercy to this pitiful slaves!

ps:its shivering inside the room,yay finally i can use my comforer!
++im currently grooving with:sm the ballad-hot time++

~2nd chance?~


its been quite a while im not blogging TT
its too bad,nowadays i keep chasing my time rather than to walk together.
life been quite hectic with all the studies and colloq.
anyhow im still enjoying the breath im taken!
alhamdulillah,thank you ALLAH.
i wanna be good somehow these days and i forbid myself on that.

2nd chance??

how should i put this?
there's alot of second chance i wish.
its either i concious or not i have it.
first i wish to have a second chance with him...maybe not once
a chance to know the true him,REALITY!
its a crush,i know
but somehow i wanna it to be reality.
if its not meant to be happen
i'll know that's not what fated to me.
hopefully ALLAH will reveal everything sooner.

secondly i wanna a chance to be a better person.
recently i keep having a dream thet i cant intepret.
maybe its not meant to be that way,
but still it makes me ponder
why i've been dreaming that kind of situation.
certain of it makes me upset,confuse and disgrace of myself.
am i not good enough.
to be honest i did do some research the meaning behind the dream.
nothing so creepy come out
its all give positive response.
however its still doesnt calm my heart.
somehow i think that's how ALLAH try to warn me.
that maybe im getting too far fro the path
and HE wants me to ponder the right way so that i can reach safely to the truth,HIM!
insyallah,hopes that's what its all about!

thirdly and maybe the last.
people live with desire,i dont think i have last
we always greed for more when we got what we want
so i wont say something uncertain
i dont if know myself better
will i be satisfied if everything,all he chance i want
i have it.
im afraid that what'll happen after that will be different.
that's im certain coz the desire to have more is always there.
that's what human is...anyway i hope that if i have the greed
i wont get away from the right path im taken!

"ya ALLAH,aku mohon lindungilah hati ini dari menyekutukan-MU.sesungguhnya hanya-MU tuhanku yang satu,amin"

++im currently grooving with:raihan-syukur++

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

~snow ver.3~


its the end of november now
the weather's chill in unusual nowadays
its SUPER cold
no more above 5 degrees,its all below
never in my whole life before
to experience negative degree air
thank god my nose can keep up with it
runny nose everyday!!

++im currently grooving with:2am-like crazy++

Friday, November 19, 2010

~food ver.5~

introducing the next dishes i made!
its a bolognaise own style because the taste seems a bit far from the real bolognaise...anyhow it turn quiet well and yes we finish it till the last pieces!
actually i made this just to pay back to k.tiya who always cook wonderful things to us...
so sometimes we just have to give rather than receive...
so we decided on this since its not so fussy to make and seems luck in our side...
all the ingrediemts are available...
no need to haunt the rhinak ^^ come on put your hips together...


++im currently grooving with:supernova-kimidake wa zutto++

Thursday, November 18, 2010

~100th post~


I never thought that this blog will last till now.
so in courtesy of my 100th post
i wanna write bout the things that makes me a blogger.
blogging is actually not really my thing...
i have so much to tell the world but im not that good in expressing the thought
PLUS im not that diligent to write all the thought that messing of my head.

lots of thing come and go thru my mind...
lots of things i wanna jot down here...
lots of things i wanna share with the whole world...
lots of things i wanna let out...
lots of thing i wanna rant about...
lota of random babbling to be abuse...

but it all go down the drain...
as time move on,i never have the urge to do what i suppose to do as a blogger.
as a storyteller to my life.
as a guidance that will lead me to know myself better!

but still i made it....
Im so glad that i didn't abandon it
it takes time to reach here but still HERE I AM!

++im currently grooving with:hwangbo-still beautiful++

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


tbe2 ad angan-angan nk wat cheesecake...xtaw nape.
aritu waktu usrah k.atiya ad wat cheesecake,so ak dgn tnpe banggenye bertanye...

aku: bestnye cake ne,akak wat camne?
k.tiya : akak wat cam bese la, hancurkan biskut wat base. ltak sourcream n so on...
aku : biskut ne akak gne biskut ape?
k.tiya : akak x ingat la nme die tp ad la kat asyan, cam biskut marie mariya kot name die.
aku : owh....^^

malam tu online facebook...oops notification k.tiya tag ak?
apekah itu???
ak tertanye-tanye...
open in new tab then tadaaa........
k.tiya tag a link kt ak ahaks


agak-agak sampai x hajat aku nak wat cake ne...ntahla
tgk dri gayanye maybe aku wat kowt tapi bile itu menjadi tande tanye...huahuahua!

++im currently grooving with:iu-train ride++

~food ver.4~

the survival continues.....
the first ever chicken dish i made here.
i dont even know what to call this dishes
since i just deliberately 'campak' everything into the pan
anyhow it turns very good and yes we finish it dearly...
^^ i,ll make it again next time!

++im currently grooving with:AB avenue-woman...knows++

Monday, November 15, 2010

~snow ver.2~

im so lazy to write anything now so let the picture says everything

++im currently grooving with:jojo-without you++

~food ver.3~

i lose count how many times i procrastinate to continuing posting bout my survival here in russia.
got time and desire now to continue this!
so i made this food for our sportiv open house
this event is like majlis kesyukuran as in we invite all other YT students to this event!
anah decided to make nasi minyak
since we can really make acar here
so i come out with this....
tada my signature homemade salad
even mama can make it like i did kekeke
if mama know sure got smack on my head!

my signature homemade salad

dessert: apple yogurt cocktail

*T__T i got cut!*

++im currently grooving with:secondhand serenade-your call++

~birthday bash~

i know its so out of date
but still i did promise to post this picture...
i wont say much let the picture do the talk!
anyway to those involve in this surprise birthday bash


to be honest this is the first time i ever celebrate my birthday like this
before its just a feast at home
maybe away from home let me experience new things.
hope this will the beginning for more pleasure!

ps: 3 earliest pictures are the courtesy from zulaikha jaafar fb!
++im currently grooving with:iu-rain drop++

Monday, November 8, 2010

~tangkap cintan~

as the title scream out....
hehehe...officially now saye kene tangkap cintan ngan 3 guys ne

1. i want this kind of guy or him to be my HUBBY!

2. i want HIM to be my boyfie!

3. this one i dunno,im having chronic CRUSH fever on this ahjussi!

im not crazy cume x betul sket j..ahaks!
xtaw la ap kene skunk ne...asyik daydream j...
thinking of the IMPOSSIBILITIES!

so as it goes by...i really hope there's a guy out there that can fulfill this impossibilities.
make it possible for me....hmmm
lalalala DROOLING!!!!
some of you might puke/annoyed...whatever i dont mind
just dont BASH them if you dont like them ^^

++im currently grooving with:ryeowook-smile again++

Monday, November 1, 2010

~old day~

01 november 2010

old by one year TT

*thank god i look young^^*


++im currently grooving with:jang nara-dong yi OST++

Monday, October 25, 2010

~dae jang geum~

after a few years,
after long time searching....finally i able to finish the story.
the long version!
i still remember vividly some of the scene....
im watching it almost 4 years back then
but still its so vivid.
im so in touch by this drama.

*min ju ho and jang geum love is so beautiful*

this story did teach me
that in everything you do
even eating,sleeping,nature's call
do it sincerely and because you want to do it

determination to strive for the best
never give up even been preach by a small thorn...
keep going forward because time will never return.

im learning to be a doctor now
even i spend my precious time watching this
instead of studying
sacrifice my sleep and wake up burdenly
i learn things from it.
to live through the righteous path
to believe in yourself.

a doctor should live to heal people
not do harm
if a doctor start to use their talent
to gain power and wealth
better STOP!

'a doctor that can be trust by his patient is truly a doctor'

click me ^^

++im currently grooving with:dae jang geum OST++

Sunday, October 24, 2010

~food ver.2~


hehe ^^
finally i have the urge to post this!
second version of my survival here in moscow.
so,this meal is actually
a join force between me and anah.
my roomate....

our dinner
chicken curry with fried cabbage.
yes we finally eat malaysian's full meal!

++chicken,curry powder,milk,tomato and potato,basic ingredient,cinnamon++


++im currently grooving with:trax-oh,my goddess!++