so many things happen.
can even swallow it properly even today.
anyhow,i able to grasp it bit by bit now....Alhamdulillah.
i guess im alright now!
for those concerning,i can never pay your gratitude
may ALLAH bless you
Semoga Allah senantiasa melimpahkan rahmat dan keselamatan kepada junjungan kami Nabi Muhammad SAW, beserta keluarga dan sahabatnya.
Ya Allah Engkaulah Yang Abadi, Dahulu, lagi Awal. Dan hanya kepada anugerah-Mu yang Agung dan Kedermawanan-Mu tempat bergantung.
Dan ini tahun baru benar-benar telah datang. Kami memohon kepada-Mu perlindungan dalam tahun ini dari (godaan) setan, kekasih-kekasihnya dan bala tentaranya. Dan kami memohon pertolongan untuk mengalahkan hawa nafsu amarah yang mengajak pada kejahatan,agar kami sibuk melakukan amal yang dapat mendekatkan diri kami kepada-Mu wahai Dzat yang memiliki Keagungan dan Kemuliaan. Semoga Allah senantiasa melimpahkan rahmat dan keselamatan kepada junjungan kami Nabi Muhammad SAW, Nabi yang ummi dan ke atas para keluarga dan sahabatnya.
its been quite a while im not blogging TT
its too bad,nowadays i keep chasing my time rather than to walk together.
life been quite hectic with all the studies and colloq.
anyhow im still enjoying the breath im taken!
alhamdulillah,thank you ALLAH.
i wanna be good somehow these days and i forbid myself on that.
2nd chance??
how should i put this?
there's alot of second chance i wish.
its either i concious or not i have it.
first i wish to have a second chance with him...maybe not once
a chance to know the true him,REALITY!
its a crush,i know
but somehow i wanna it to be reality.
if its not meant to be happen
i'll know that's not what fated to me.
hopefully ALLAH will reveal everything sooner.
secondly i wanna a chance to be a better person.
recently i keep having a dream thet i cant intepret.
maybe its not meant to be that way,
but still it makes me ponder
why i've been dreaming that kind of situation.
certain of it makes me upset,confuse and disgrace of myself.
am i not good enough.
to be honest i did do some research the meaning behind the dream.
nothing so creepy come out
its all give positive response.
however its still doesnt calm my heart.
somehow i think that's how ALLAH try to warn me.
that maybe im getting too far fro the path
and HE wants me to ponder the right way so that i can reach safely to the truth,HIM!
insyallah,hopes that's what its all about!
thirdly and maybe the last.
people live with desire,i dont think i have last
we always greed for more when we got what we want
so i wont say something uncertain
i dont if know myself better
will i be satisfied if everything,all he chance i want
i have it.
im afraid that what'll happen after that will be different.
that's im certain coz the desire to have more is always there.
that's what human is...anyway i hope that if i have the greed
i wont get away from the right path im taken!
"ya ALLAH,aku mohon lindungilah hati ini dari menyekutukan-MU.sesungguhnya hanya-MU tuhanku yang satu,amin"
++im currently grooving with:raihan-syukur++